Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Wireless network?

I set up a wirless router and I somehow made multiple networks e.g. network, network 2. How do I get rid of the unwanted networks?

Wireless network?
Just leave it.
Reply:Delete them from 'manage wireless connections.'
Reply:for xp start-%26gt;control panel-%26gt;network connection-%26gt;wireless network connectio right click-%26gt;properties-%26gt;click wireless networks-%26gt;under preferred network you will have the unwanted network select them and and click remove

sometimes you will have only network and internet then click on switch to classic view

some times you will not have wireless network then

click start-%26gt;run-%26gt;services.msc-%26gt;under services local you will have wireless zero configration right click on it and select properties the services status should be started and the start up type should be automatic.

for vista start-%26gt;control panel-%26gt;network and sharing center-%26gt;manage wireless netowrks-%26gt;select each network and click remove

sometimes you will have only network and internet then click on switch to classic view
Reply:right click on each one and delete it...

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