Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Guest account, the network connection list ?

I have two users account in my windows xp home edition Admin and Guest, so on Guest account the small tv(internet connection sign) does not show on tasktray i tried to fix that from network connection folder but i couldn't view the list of network connection it just opened white page when i do refresh (from right click) it showed to me a box message "A network connection folder can't retrive network connection list please make sure that network connection serviec is enabled and running" so how could i fix that ?

Guest account, the network connection list ?
The guest account is a secured account and is not really supposed to have access to change network settings.. amongst many other things.

I would suggest that if you want to have that kind of access on an account that you create a different kind of account.

If you want to change group policy for user accounts then you may want to look into upgrading to XP Professional.

Good Luck

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